Interested in presenting a case study, showcasing thought leadership, or joining a panel session? Contact:

Symon Rubens
+1 (832) 384-4498


Kimbra Davis
Kimbra Davis
Director, Orphaned Wells Program Office
U.S. Department of the Interior
Greg Dean
Greg Dean
Oil & Gas Administrator, Community & Economic Development Department
Adams County
Markus Drouven
Markus Drouven
Technical Director, National Emissions Reduction Initiatives
U.S. Department of Energy/NETL
Nick Gianoutsos
Nick Gianoutsos
Physical Scientist
U.S. Geological Survey
Brad Handler
Brad Handler
Program Lead, Sustainable Finance Lab
Payne Institute for Public Policy
James Maio
James Maio
Environmental Protection Specialist
Department of Interior – Orphaned Well Program Office
Oleg Mikhailov
Oleg Mikhailov
Julie Murphy
Julie Murphy
Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission
Natalie Pekney
Natalie Pekney
Research Engineer
U.S. Department of Energy/NETL
Yash Puranik
Yash Puranik
Principal Data Scientist
U.S. Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory
Dwayne Purvis
Dwayne Purvis
Principal Advisor
Purvis Energy Advisors
Jeff Sorkin
Jeff Sorkin
Air Quality Program Manager
US Forest Services