Interested in presenting a case study, showcasing thought leadership, or joining a panel session? Contact:

Annie Jeffcoat
Director of ESG, Energy Conference Network
+ 1 832-384-4498


Deidre Almstead Kohlrus
Deidre Almstead Kohlrus
Senior Director, Government Affairs
Energy Workforce & Technology Council
Matthew Brooks
Matthew Brooks
Head of Operations
Zefiro Methane Corp
Alberto Castelli
Alberto Castelli
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP)
Senior Manager ‑ Americas Energy Transition
Kimbra Davis
Kimbra Davis
Director, Orphaned Wells Program Office
U.S. Department of the Interior
Mark Hamzat O Erogbogbo
Mark Hamzat O Erogbogbo
Associate | Chairman
Texas Star Alliance Energy Solutions | The FENG
Nick Gianoutsos
Nick Gianoutsos
Physical Scientist
U.S. Geological Survey
Andrew Govert
Andrew Govert
Methane Mitigation Technologies Division, Office of Resource Sustainability, Office of Fossil Energy Carbon Management, United States Department of Energy
Undocumented Orphan Wells Program Manager
Chris Hosek
Chris Hosek
Managing Principal
Texas Star Alliance
Drew Hunger
Drew Hunger
P&A Consultant
Seashore Petroleum, LLC
Austin McDaniel
Austin McDaniel
The McDaniel Company
Barbara Miglietti
Barbara Miglietti
Chief Design Officer
Susan Nash
Susan Nash
Director, Innovation, Science, and Technology
American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Anine Pedersen
Anine Pedersen
Geothermal Rising
Director of Science and External Affairs
Natalie Pekney
Natalie Pekney
Research Engineer
U.S. Department of Energy/NETL
Adam Peltz
Adam Peltz
Director & Senior Attorney
Environmental Defense Fund
Dwayne Purvis
Dwayne Purvis
Principal Advisor
Purvis Energy Advisors
Curtis Shuck
Curtis Shuck
Well Done Foundation Inc
Les Skinner
Les Skinner
Independent Consultant and Advisor to Oil and Gas Operators
Former MPG Petroleum VP of Operations
Tessa Sorensen
Tessa Sorensen
Energy Liaison
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Staci Taruscio
Staci Taruscio
Rebellion Energy Solutions
Jim Wright
Jim Wright
Railroad Commission of Texas