Full Name
Brent Fitzgerald
Job Title
Industrial Program Technical Manager
ACR at Winrock International
Speaker Bio
Currently, Mr. Fitzgerald serves as an Industrial Program Technical Manager for ACR (a Winrock International enterprise) to create confidence in the environmental and scientific integrity of carbon credits in order to accelerate transformational GHG emission reductions. In this role, he evaluates and develops methodologies for the quantification and MRV of GHG emission reductions from technology-based solutions; oversees project validations and verifications; and, manages issuing serialized, project-based, and independently verified carbon credits. His focus areas include coal mine methane abatement, landfill methane mitigation, and plugging orphaned O&G wells.
Previously, Mr. Fitzgerald served as an onsite Environmental Manager for two Title V-permitted, SBP-certified manufacturing facilities and as a Senior Environmental Consultant. In these roles, he provided regulatory reviews, permitting strategies, enforcement resolution, and compliance demonstration services for the regulated community.
Brent Fitzgerald